
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Episode 5: Holiday Special - Fireside Chat with Colin Brown & Terry Spall
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
In this I2I Holiday Special Podcast, Helen looks back on 2020 with IMechE CEO Colin Brown and President Terry Spall and discusses how the pandemic has affected the IMechE and its members, and how they have had to adapt to these unprecedented times.
Terry talks about how his presidential year has meant less travelling, but more opportunity for engagement with members and how inspired he has been seeing so many engineers step up to address COVID.
Colin chats about the effect working from home has had on the IMechE staff, but how beneficial it has been bringing members from across the world together through virtual services.
Terry shares his thoughts on the new Governance Benchmark and how important that process has been for the Institution. Terry recognises the valuable input of all the members who have been committed to bringing about change over the last few years; including Past President Carolyn Griffiths, Implementation Group Chair Kerry Mashford and members of the Trustee Board.
In a look back at the 2019 annual report, Colin talks about his hope for 2020 being our ‘Year of Values’ and how members have addressed behaviours and culture in this new working paradigm. Colin highlights the importance of diversity and how all engineers need to feel that they can make a contribution to society.
Thinking about 2021, Terry looks forward with enthusiasm to the Institution’s future, and hopes more members will want to get involved in driving the IMechE’s strategies. His hope is to finally shake the hands of all those who have worked to implement change in the last few years. Terry also looks forward to work commencing on the IMechE building next year, which will ensure members have a historical yet contemporary home for the coming decades.
We could not end the interview without mentioning Colin’s intention to step down as CEO in May 2021. Having been a member of staff for 16 years and an IMechE member for many more years than is polite to mention, Helen asks Colin what his hopes for the Institution are, going forward and what he is most looking forward to doing in his ‘retirement’.
We wish all our listeners, wherever you are in the world, a safe and happy holiday season from all of us at the I2I Podcast.
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