
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Season 4 Episode 1: Strategy & Impact - IMechE’s Aspirations for 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Tuesday Feb 07, 2023
Hello and welcome to the new season of Impulse to Innovation.
Believe it or not, as of the end of December 2022 we have produced 30 episodes of the podcast, reaching 98 countries with over 14 ½ thousand downloads. Thank you so much to you, our listeners for continuing to support our show, we really appreciate it.
Don’t forget you can subscribe to the show here on our main site or via any podcast services you use. If you prefer, you can also listen to us on the IMechE’s website via the newly embedded audio link on the home page. We also love hearing from our listeners so don't forget you can email us via Podcast@imeche.org Let us know what you think of the show, experiences you’d like to share with us or even to give us ideas for things you’d like to hear.
We have some fascinating engineering topics planned for the coming year, including innovations in composite materials, how measurement standards are created and maintained and energy and transport issues. We will be looking at the latest developments in education and skills for engineers, as well as the public perception of our profession.
We will also be sharing some of the policy work the HQ team will be undertaking and the extensive events calendar planned by both the technical divisions and groups as well as across our 16 regions. There's going to be something for everyone.
In this month's episode Helen kicks off with a look at what the year ahead has in store for the IMechE; focusing on the Institution’s up-coming strategy release in May and its 2023 aspirations, as well as the role the Technical Strategy Board plays in ensuring the IMechE’ s members have a platform to share the latest thinking and expertise from its 18 groups and divisions.
Helen's guests are James Partington and Paul Jones.
James is the newly appointed Director of Engineering Policy and Impact and joined the Institution in October last year with the task of ensuring members’ engineering expertise is heard as widely as possible in Government and the broader community.
Paul Jones is a Fellow of the Institution, Past Chair of the Automobile Division and is presently the chair of the Technical Strategy Board, one of 7 operational boards, which provide insight and guidance to the Trustees. Helen spoke with Paul on the podcast this time last year and wanted to catch up with him to get his thoughts on the past year of events and happenings in the divisions and groups, as well as discuss the vital work being carried out by the TSB members in creating a long-term plan to raise the voice of mechanical engineering and generate greater impact in society.
We would love to hear your thoughts and comments on this episode. If you would like to get in touch, email us at podcast@imeche.org
You can find more information about the work of the IMechE at www.imeche.org