
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
“Adapting industries to, and preparing them for, a warmer world will be essential for the future successful functioning of societies of all nations.” Said Dr Tim Fox, co author of the IMechE’s latest report on Climate adaption.
The report entitled 'Adapting Industry to Withstand Rising Temperatures and Future Heatwaves' was published in April 2023 and produced in conjunction with the IMechE’s Process Division and a plethora of leading climate change and sustainability experts from across the globe.
While many engineers work on technologies that will help mitigate the climate crisis itself, Authors Dr Fox and IMechE Policy advisor Dr Laura Kent believe that more should be done to prepare industry for future climate change-induced, heat-related impacts. Their work demonstrates how increases in ambient temperatures and more frequent, severe, prolonged heatwaves could have a devastating impact on industry and its workforce.
They outline the urgent need for engineering-related standards and design codes to be based on expectations of future climate rather than past climate, adaptation solutions to be sustainable and result in net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, and strategies to be developed to make workplaces and work practices comfortable and safe.
Helen spoke with Tim and Laura about the climate adaptation report and discussed with them their reasons for bringing together such an international team of experts to advise on its content, what adaption technologies engineers are developing and how, as a leading voice in policy, the IMechE could galvanising political change.
Tim Fox is an internationally recognised expert in climate change mitigation and adaptation with specialist knowledge of clean energy, sustainable cooling, process engineering based industries and sustainable food system. He is a Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the IMechE andthe immediate past Chair of the Process Industries Division. Tim represents the IMechE on the UK Infrastructure Operators Adaptation Forum and is a member of the Adaptation to Climate Change Group of BSI Committee.
Dr Laura Kent joined the Imeche in June 2022 as a Public Affairs and Policy Advisor. Prior to joining the IMechE, Laura held roles at the Government Office for Science and Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy working on policies and advice to support innovation in the UK. Before starting a career in policy, Laura was a scientist at the National Physical Laboratory.
Useful Links
Adapting Industry to Withstand Rising Temperatures and Future Heatwaves Article
Adapting Industry to Withstand Rising Temperatures and Future Heatwaves Policy Report
'The urgent need for climate adaptation solutions' article
PE Magazine Report on Sustainability